Studi Eksperimental Pengaruh Variasi Laju Udara Terhadap Kebutuhan Bakar Insinerator Limbah Medis Dual Chamber
An experimental study was conducted on a dual-chamber medical waste incinerator to determine the consumption rate and
fuel requirements of medical waste and gas, with variations in the predetermined air flow rate. The tested samples consisted
of 1 kg of medical waste for each sample. The incineration process was carried out for a duration of 3 minutes of burning,
with an initial temperature set at 800°C in the first combustion chamber and an initial temperature of 1000°C in the second
combustion chamber. The air flow rate variations used in this study were 8.02 m/s, 10.05 m/s, and 12.06 m/s. From the
conducted tests, the highest consumption rate of medical waste fuel was obtained with the variation of 10.05 m/s, at 19.04
kg/h, while the lowest was at 8.02 m/s, at 18.66 kg/h. The consumption rate of gas fuel decreased from the first to the third
variation, with the highest at 6.33 kg/h and the lowest at 6.13 kg/h.
Keywords: Dual Chamber Incinerator, Air Supply, Fuel Consumption Rate.