Identifikasi Karakteristik Thermoscape Taman Kota Menggunakan Thermal Drone (Studi Kasus: Alun-alun dan Taman Heulang di Kota Bogor)

  • Neviera Khairunnisaa Pratiwi IPB University
  • Bambang Sulistyantara IPB University
  • Prita Indah Pratiwi IPB University


The existence of urban green open space is very important for the creation of a public space that can support various public activities of urban residents and become an ecological space for the creation of an adequate quality urban environment. Bogor City is one of the cities that is currently developing green open space in the form of an urban park to meet the needs of public space as a means of gathering and recreation. Thermal comfort is very important and must be considered in a green space. To obtain the thermal conditions of a landscape, this research uses a thermal drone. This study aims to identify the thermoscape characteristics of landscape elements and people's perceptions of it and also the correlations between them. The analysis used Agisoft Metashape, ArcMap 10.5, Google Earth Pro, Adobe Photoshop CS6, Microsoft Office 2019, and Image Color Summarizer online tool. The thermoscape results in the two urban parks are different due to differences in weather. However, the thermal conditions of each landscape elements are almost the same in both parks. Hardscapes in both parks can have a temperature of >40? C, while vegetation, especially trees, can have a temperature of <20? C. According to respondents, both parks are still considered warm based on their thermal sensation. Hot urban park areas can be modified by presenting a wider green space with good distribution and proportion to make it comfortable for the users.


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How to Cite
PRATIWI, Neviera Khairunnisaa; SULISTYANTARA, Bambang; PRATIWI, Prita Indah. Identifikasi Karakteristik Thermoscape Taman Kota Menggunakan Thermal Drone (Studi Kasus: Alun-alun dan Taman Heulang di Kota Bogor). Jurnal Arsitektur Lansekap, [S.l.], p. 123-132, may 2024. ISSN 2442-5508. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025. doi: