Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan mendalami terkait pengaturan proses penjualan harta debitur pailit seerta urutan pelunasan utang dari debitur yang telah dinyatakan pailit. Dalam mengkaji jurnal ilmiah ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normative dari suatu peraturan perundang-undangan dan juga sebuah pendekatan konseptual. Hasil penelitian ini mengemukakan bahwa Undang-undang kepailitan menetapkan dua cara penjualan harta pailit, lelang publik dan penjualan di bawah tangan. Proses lelang menghadapi masalah biaya tinggi, penilaian aset yang terbatas, dan kurangnya pengawasan. Di sisi lain, penjualan di bawah tangan memiliki kendala seperti kemampuan kurator yang terbatas, potensi pelanggaran hukum oleh aparat penegak, dan risiko tuntutan hukum dari pihak ketiga. Secara umum, permasalahan dalam penjualan aset pailit berasal dari kinerja penegak hukum. Dalam konteks kepailitan, terdapat tiga tingkatan kreditur: Kreditur Separatis, Kreditur Preferen, dan Kreditur Konkuren. Kreditur Separatis memiliki prioritas karena dijamin dengan jaminan tertentu, Kreditur Preferen memiliki hak istimewa sesuai dengan Pasal 1139-1149 KUHPerdata, sementara Kreditur Konkuren tidak dijamin. Urutan pelunasan piutang dalam kepailitan adalah kreditur separatis, kreditur preferen, dan kreditur konkuren, kecuali ada ketentuan undang-undang yang berbeda.
Kata Kunci: Harta debitur pailit, lelang, urutan pelunasan utang
The objective of this study is to scrutinize and delve into the regulation of the process of selling the assets of a bankrupt debtor, as well as the order of debt settlement from a debtor declared bankrupt. In examining this scholarly journal, the author employs a normative legal research methodological approach based on legal regulations and a conceptual approach. The research findings state that bankruptcy law establishes two methods for selling bankrupt assets: public auction and private sale. The auction process faces challenges such as high costs, limited asset valuation, and a lack of supervision. On the other hand, private sales encounter obstacles like the limited capacity of curators, potential legal violations by law enforcement, and the risk of legal claims from third parties. Generally, issues in the sale of bankrupt assets stem from the performance of law enforcement. In the context of bankruptcy, there are three levels of creditors: Separatist Creditors, Preferential Creditors, and Concurrent Creditors. Separatist Creditors have priority as they are secured by specific guarantees, Preferential Creditors have special rights as stipulated in Articles 1139 1149 of the Civil Code, while Concurrent Creditors are not guaranteed. The order of debt settlement in bankruptcy is Separatist Creditors first, followed by Preferential Creditors, and lastly Concurrent Creditors, unless otherwise specified by law.
Keywords: Bankruptcy debtor's assets, auction, sequence of debt repayment