A Case Report : Pomerinarian mix dog poisoning ten months old due to rat poison

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Ach Moh Abd Muhsi


A dog with a brown Pomeranian mix breed named Roni with female sex aged 10

months and weighing 8 kg, came to the Prema Vet Care clinic in Dalung on September 2, 2021

at 12 pm with complaints of hypersalivation, weakness, nausea, decreased appetite, the body

feels hot, the dog is recorded to be fully vaccinated and has dewormed medicine, with

maintenance around the house or not being released outside the home, and on September 3,

2021 the dog experienced vomiting after being given 4 tablets of norit tablets which work oas

absorbents to absorb toxins, the first treatment was the administration of fluids infusion,

injection of antibiotics and vitamins B1 and K1, it is suspected that the dog was poisoned byrat poison because the owner himself put a lot of mouse traps in the form of food mixed with

rat poison (rodentox) around his house. Rodentox is a second generation rodenticide, this

poison contains the active ingredient bromadiolone plus nitrite poison. Based on the anamnesis,

clinical examination, and blood tests, the dog was diagnosed as having been poisoned by rat

poison with a Fausta prognosis. For the first treatment, the dog was given the antibiotic

betamox (0.8 ml), vitamin B1 (Neurotropic®) injection at a dose of 0.8 ml, prednisone 5 mg

(40 tabs pulv.bd.d for 14 days), ciprofloxacin 500 mg (2 tabs pulv .bd.d for 7 days), and vitamin

K1 (7.5 tab pulv.bd.d for 7 days) and the dog improved during 7 days of therapy and the clinical

symptoms experienced had decreased.


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How to Cite
ABD MUHSI, Ach Moh. A Case Report : Pomerinarian mix dog poisoning ten months old due to rat poison. Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 1-14, feb. 2023. ISSN 2622-0571. Available at: <https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/jvas/article/view/85279>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.24843/JVAS.2023.v06.i01.p01.