• I Made Rama Putra
  • Ketut Suega


Protein C is a natural anticoagulant, inhibits thrombin generation. Protein C de! ciency, is associated with a variably
increased risk of thrombosis. Incidence of symptomatic protein C de! ciency is approximately 1 in 16,000 to 1 in 32,000 persons,
similar in men and women. Morbidity in protein C de! ciency greatly increases with advancing age, when patients are at greater
risk for thrombotic events such DVT, PE, postphlebitic and blindness secondary to vitreous hemorrhages may occur in patients
with these severe conditions. The etiology can be inherited and acquired in a number of clinical scenarios include meningococcal
septic shock; DIC; liver disease; or chemotherapy. Diagnostic base on personal history of venous thrombosis, thromboembolic
events, abnormal laboratory coagulation tests. The laboratory workup should include haemostatic parameters, coagulation
system such aPTT, PT, ! brinogen level and D-dimer test. A decreased protein C activity level is required. Imaging studies are
appropriate for assessing the presence of thrombotic disease in a particular vessel. The treatment depends largely on a particular
patient?s disease manifestations. Surgical treatment may be appropriate in some circumstances.
We reported, a male Balinese 62 years old came with complain red vision and dull feeling since a moth prior to
admission. No historical medical problem found. Physical exam found hypertension and laboratory ! nding showed slight
dyslipidemia. Ophthalmologic examination revealed BRVO (Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion) ocular sinistra. Hypercoagulablae
state are suspected. Hematologic exam revealed light hyperagregation and low level of protein C and protein S. Treated with
heparin 5000 unit intravenously followed by drip 1000 unit per hour for 3 day continued with warfarin 4 mg OD reach INR 1.5
? 2.5. Good resulted base on patient?s good compliance.


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Author Biographies

I Made Rama Putra
Bagian/SMF Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK Unud/RSUP Sanglah, Denpasar
Ketut Suega
Bagian/SMF Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK Unud/RSUP Sanglah, Denpasar
How to Cite
RAMA PUTRA, I Made; SUEGA, Ketut. THROMBOPHILIA KARENA DEFISIENSI PROTEIN C DAN PROTEIN S. journal of internal medicine, [S.l.], nov. 2012. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 31 jan. 2025.


protein C, protein S, BRVO, anticoagulant

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