• Ketut Suega


The term Paraneoplastic Syndromes (PNS) refers to symptoms or signs resulting from damage to organs or tissues
that are remote from the site of a malignant neoplasm or its metastases. Widely known examples include cancer cachexia,
hypercalcemia,Cushing!s syndrome,and Trousseau!s syndrome . A particularly devastating form of paraneoplastic syndromes ia a
group of disorders classiÞ ed as Paraneoplastic Neurological Disorders (PND).The incidence of PNS varies with the neurological
syndrome and with the tumor. PNS can occurs in 7 to 10% of all patients with cancer. A paraneoplastic syndrome may result
from production and release of antibodies and physiologically active substances, or it may be idiopathic. However, not all
paraneoplastic syndromes are associated with these antibodies. Symptoms can be atypical, psychiatric, or even ß uctuating,
and PNS should often be in the differential diagnosis of otherwise unexplained neurological syndromes. An international
panel of neurologists has established diagnostic criteria that divide patients with a suspected PNS into deÞ nite and probable
categories. These criteria are based on the presence or absence of cancer, the presence of well-characterized antibodies, and the
type of clinical syndrome. Detection of a "well-characterized# paraneoplastic antibody is extremely helpful because it proves
the paraneoplastic etiology of the neurological syndrome. Usually, the paraneoplastic syndromes are divided into the following
categories: (1) miscellaneous (nonspeciÞ c), (2) rheumatologic, (3) renal, (4) gastrointestinal, (5) hematologic, (6) cutaneous, (7)
endocrine, and (8) neuromuscular. Treatment varies with the type and location of the paraneoplastic disorder, consist of treatment
of the underlying tumor, as well as the treatment of the presumptive immune-mediated disorder is based on immunosuppression.
Because paraneoplastic syndromes differ widely from individual to individual, prognosis may vary greatly.


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Author Biography

Ketut Suega
Hematology Medical Oncology Division Udayana Medical School/ Sanglah Hospital
Denpasar Bal
How to Cite
SUEGA, Ketut. PARANEOPLASTIC SYNDROMES. journal of internal medicine, [S.l.], nov. 2012. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.


paraneoplastic syndrome, paraneoplastic neurological disorders, well-characterized antibodie

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