• Ketut Suryana
  • Made Suastika Adiguna


Urticaria is characterized by red edematous plaques surrounded by a clear or red halo. The lesions are round or oval and
may become polycyclic when confluent. They usually multiple and vary from 1 mm to several centimeters in diameter. They can
occur at any site of the body and are typically associated with itching and sometimes burning. Skin returns to its normal
appearances usually within 1-24 hours. Urticaria is sometimes accompanied by angioedema, in which the edematous process
extends into the deep dermis and / or subcutaneous tissues. While patient with urticaria usually have symptoms confined to the
skin they may have concomitant systemic manifestations. Urticaria is termed acute when episode less than 6 weeks, it’s termed
chronic when episode persist longer. Chronic urticaria / angioedema, the syndrome last and average of 3-5 years, with 20%
patients still symptomatic at 40 years. The syndrome is frustrating to patient and clinician alike in death a search for an exogenous
cause is futile in the majority of patients. However in recent year its has been demonstrated that many patients involved idiopathic
chronic urticaria (80% of the chronic type urticaria). The incidence of idiopathic chronic urticaria was 3% population. The
diagnosis, there is no the specific approach. Mostly based on clinical history and several laboratory procedure and in certain
condition need skin biopsy. The management; allergen avoidance, medicamentosa symptomatically. The first line; non sedating
second-generation AH-1 and in a several case add by antihistamine AH-2. in severe case sometimes need the corticosteroids or
another immunosuppressive.


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Author Biographies

Ketut Suryana
Bagian / SMF Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK Unud /RSUP Sanglah Denpasar
Made Suastika Adiguna
Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Kulit & Kelamin FK Unud /RSUP Sanglah Denpasar
How to Cite
SURYANA, Ketut; SUASTIKA ADIGUNA, Made. SEORANG WANITA DENGAN URTIKARIA KRONIK IDIOPATIK. journal of internal medicine, [S.l.], nov. 2012. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.


idiopathic chronic urticaria

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