Seleksi Awal Pejantan Sapi Bali Berbasis Uji Performans

  • Ni Wayan Patmawati PS S2 KH UNUD
  • Ni Nyoman Trinayani PS S2 KH UNUD
  • Mahmud Siswanto PS S2 KH UNUD
  • I Nengah Wandia FKH UNUD
  • I Ketut Puja FKH UNUD


Performance test is a preliminary selection to choose Bali cattle stud based on qualitative and quantitative characteristics, including measurement, weighing and observation. Performance test is  applied  on rapid growth of bull  (about 1 year of age) by comparing individual performance with the performance of the group average. The number of bulls that were subjected  the  Performance test  in 2011  was 61  bulls.  Based on Performance test, the best three of the performances  namely the score of 113.30, 109.46,and 104.2  were s selected to be potential stud candidates for next Zuriat test (progeny test).


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Author Biographies

Ni Wayan Patmawati, PS S2 KH UNUD
BPTU Sapi Bali Denpasar
Ni Nyoman Trinayani, PS S2 KH UNUD
BPTU Sapi Bali Denpasar
Mahmud Siswanto, PS S2 KH UNUD
BPTU Sapi Bali Denpasar
I Nengah Wandia, FKH UNUD
FKH UNUD Denpasar
I Ketut Puja, FKH UNUD
FKH UNUD Denpasar
How to Cite
PATMAWATI, Ni Wayan et al. Seleksi Awal Pejantan Sapi Bali Berbasis Uji Performans. Veterinary Science and Medicine Journal, [S.l.], feb. 2013. ISSN 2302-6057. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.


Bali cattle; performance test; quantitative characteristics; qualitative characteristics; progeny test