Hubungan Frekuensi dan Waktu Kawin dengan Jumlah Anak Sekelahiran pada Anjing Golden Retriever yang Dipelihara Di Kota Denpasar

  • Tessa Yuli Oktaviami FKH UNUD Denpasar
  • Desak Nyoman Dewi Indira Laksmi FKH UNUD Denpasar
  • I Ketut Puja FKH UNUD Denpasar


This retrospective study was conducted to know the relation between time and frequency of mating on litter size of Golden Retriver  in Denpasar Region. Mating incident records of 19 Golden Retrievers from 8 kennels were compiled to be analyzed. These data can be use as a reference in effort to maximize the amount of  Golden Retriever clans. The result showed that the three times of mating on the 10th , 12th and 14th day after onset of proestrus produced the most litter size 10 ± 2.82. However, mating twice on wice on 9th and 11th after onset of proestrus produced a litter size of 8.50 ± 0.70. The statistic analysis depicted that there was no significant relationship between mating frequencies and mating time on litter size.


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Author Biographies

Tessa Yuli Oktaviami, FKH UNUD Denpasar
Lab. Reproduksi Veteriner FKH UNUD
Desak Nyoman Dewi Indira Laksmi, FKH UNUD Denpasar
Lab. Reproduksi Vet FKH UNUD
I Ketut Puja, FKH UNUD Denpasar
Lab. Reproduksi Vet FKH UNUD
How to Cite
OKTAVIAMI, Tessa Yuli; INDIRA LAKSMI, Desak Nyoman Dewi; PUJA, I Ketut. Hubungan Frekuensi dan Waktu Kawin dengan Jumlah Anak Sekelahiran pada Anjing Golden Retriever yang Dipelihara Di Kota Denpasar. Veterinary Science and Medicine Journal, [S.l.], feb. 2013. ISSN 2302-6057. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.


Golden Retriever; mating frequency; mating time; litter size

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