Review Potensi Tanaman Pegagan (Centella asiatica L.) dalam Dunia Pengobatan Modern

  • Jajang Japar Sodik Universitas Bhakti Kencana
  • M Ramadhan Saputro
  • Muhamad Reza Pahlevi Universitas Bhakti Kencana


For centuries, Asian countries have been using Centella asiatica to treat various types of diseases. Centella asiatica has been associated with its richness in biologically active compounds such as asiatic acid, asiaticoside, madecassic acid, and madecassoside. This literature review aims to explore Centella asiatica and its bioactive compounds towards human health. Based on the review of literature published in the last decade, it was found that asiaticoside obtained from Centella asiatica leaves is a compound with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. The activity of asiaticoside plays a crucial role in maintaining human health and is used to prevent and treat various diseases, such as Neurodegenerative Diseases, Cardiovascular Disorders, and Skin Disorders. This literature review provides a fairly comprehensive overview of the benefits of Centella asiatica for human health, particularly summarizing methods and techniques for extracting Centella asiatica and providing an overview of the benefits of Centella asiatica for the treatment of common and chronic diseases, which is expected to be significant for medical literature..


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1. Alfarra HY, O.M., 2014. Hplc Separation and Isolation of Asiaticoside From Centella Asiatica and Its Biotransformation By a. Niger. Int. J. Pharma Med. Biol. Sci. 3, 1–8.
2. Azis, H. A., Taher, M., Ahmed, A. S., Sulaiman, W., Susanti, D., Chowdhury, S. R., & Zakaria, Z. A. (2017). In vitro and In vivo wound healing studies of methanolic fraction of Centella asiatica extract. South African Journal of Botany, 108, 163–174.
3. Bonfill, M., Mangas, S., Cusidó, R.M., Osuna, L., Piñol, M.T., Palazón, J., 2006. Identification of triterpenoid compounds of Centella asiatica by thin-layer chromatography and mass spectrometry. Biomed. Chromatogr. 20, 151–153.
4. Bhandari, P., Kumar, N., Gupta, A. P., Singh, B., & Kaul, V. K. (2007). A rapid RP-HPTLC densitometry method for simultaneous determination of major flavonoids in important medicinal plants. Journal of Separation Science, 30(13), 2092–2096.
5. Brinkhaus, B., Lindner, M., Schuppan, D., & Hahn, E. G. (2000). Chemical, pharmacological and clinical profile of the East Asian medical plant Centella aslatica. Phytomedicine, 7(5), 427–448.
6. Bylka, W., Znajdek-Awiżeń, P., Studzińska-Sroka, E., Dańczak-Pazdrowska, A., & Brzezińska, M. (2014). Centella asiatica in dermatology: an overview. Phytotherapy Research, 28(8), 1117–1124.
7. Cao, S., Wang, W., Nan, F., Liu, Y., Wei, S., Li, F., & Chen, L. (2018). Asiatic acid inhibits LPS-induced inflammatory response in endometrial epithelial cells. Microbial Pathogenesis, 116, 195–199.
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10. Dash, B.K., Faruquee, H.M., Biswas, S.K., Alam, M.K., Sisir, S.M., Prodhan, U.K., 2011. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of several extracts of Centella asiatica L. against some human pathogenic microbes. Life Sci. Med. Res. 2011, 1–5.
11. Gajbhiye, N.A., Makasana, J., Saha, A., Patel, I., Jat, R.S., 2016. LC-ESI-MS/MS Method for Simultaneous Determination of Triterpenoid Glycosides and Aglycones in Centella asiatica L. Chromatographia 79, 727–739.
12. Gohil, K. J., Patel, J. A., & Gajjar, A. K. (2010). Pharmacological review on Centella asiatica: a potential herbal cure-all. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 72(5), 546.
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14. Guo, J.S., Cheng, C.L., Koo, M.W.L., 2004. Inhibitory effects of Centella asiatica water extract and asiaticoside on inducible nitric oxide synthase during gastric ulcer healing in rats. Planta Med. 70, 1150–1154.
15. Guo, T., Fang, M., Zhang, D., Li, X., 2013. Combination treatment with asiaticoside and rapamycin: A new hope for in-stent restenosis. Exp. Ther. Med. 6, 557–561.
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18. Febriyanti, A.P., Iswarin, S.J., Digjayanti, T., 2016. Perbandingan kadar asiatikosida dalam ekstrak etanol 70% pegagan (Centella asiatican(L) Urban) dengan metode esktraksi maserasi dan sonikasi secara LC-MS/MS. Jk Fik Uinam 4, 50–57.
19. Ferdous, N., Rahman, M., & Alamgir, A. N. M. (2017). Investigation on phytochemical, cytotoxic and antimicrobial properties of ethanolic extracts of Centella asiatica (L.) Urban. J. Med. Plants Stud, 5, 187–188.
20. Fong, L.Y., Ng, C.T., Zakaria, Z.A., Baharuldin, M.T.H., Arifah, A.K., Hakim, M.N., Zuraini, A., 2015. Asiaticoside inhibits TNF-$α$-induced endothelial hyperpermeability of human aortic endothelial cells. Phyther. Res. 29, 1501–1508.
21. Jia, G., Lu, X., 2008. Enrichment and purification of madecassoside and asiaticoside from Centella asiatica extracts with macroporous resins. J. Chromatogr. A 1193, 136–141.
22. Jahan, R., Hossain, S., Seraj, S., Nasrin, D., Khatun, Z., Das, P. R., Islam, M. T., Ahmed, I., Rahmatullah, M., & others. (2012). Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.: Ethnomedicinal uses and their scientific validations. American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 6(4), 261–270.
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Bhandari, P., Kumar, N., Gupta, A. P., Singh, B., & Kaul, V. K. (2007). A rapid RP-HPTLC densitometry method for simultaneous determination of major flavonoids in important medicinal plants. Journal of Separation Science, 30(13), 2092–2096.
Bonfill, M., Mangas, S., Cusidó, R. M., Osuna, L., Piñol, M. T., & Palazón, J. (2006). Identification of triterpenoid compounds of Centella asiatica by thin-layer chromatography and mass spectrometry. Biomedical Chromatography, 20(2), 151–153.
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How to Cite
SODIK, Jajang Japar; SAPUTRO, M Ramadhan; PAHLEVI, Muhamad Reza. Review Potensi Tanaman Pegagan (Centella asiatica L.) dalam Dunia Pengobatan Modern. Jurnal Farmasi Udayana, [S.l.], p. 58-68, jan. 2025. ISSN 2622-4607. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 mar. 2025. doi: