Prof. Dr. apt. I Ketut Adnyana

Intitut Teknologi Bandung

Academic profile: [sinta], [scopus], [Orchid ID], [Web of Science], [Googlescholar]

Expertise: pharmacology, endocrinology and metabolism
Prof. Dr. rer.nat. apt. I Made Agus Gelgel Wirasuta

Universitas Udayana

Academic profile: [sinta], [scopus ], [Googlescholar]

Expertise: pharmacy analysis

Dr. apt., Sri Handayani, M.Si.

Indonesian Institute of Science

Academic profile: [sinta], [scopus], [Orchid ID], [Web of Science], [Googlescholar]

Expertise: mocular biology, natural product, cancer chemoprevention

Andhi Fahrurroji, S.Farm., M.Sc., Apt.

Tanjungpura University

Academic profile: [sinta],  [Googlescholar]

Expertise: pharmaceutical, technology pharmacy 

Siti Zahliyatul Munawiroh, S.F., Apt., PhD.

Universitas Islam Indonesia

Academic profile: [sinta], [scopus],  [Googlescholar]

Expertise: pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical science

Susanti, M.Phil., Apt.

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Academic profile:  [scopus ]

Expertise: biotechnology

I Gusti Ngurah Jemmy Anton Prasetia, S.Farm., M.Si., Apt.

Universitas Udayana

Academic profile: [sinta], [scopus ], [Orchid ID], [Googlescholar]

Expertise: pharmaceutical technology

Dr. Ni Putu Eka Leliqia, S.Farm., M.Si., Apt.

Universitas Udayana

Academic profile: [sinta], [scopus ],  [Googlescholar]

Expertise: pharmacology, phytochemistry

Ketut Widyani Astuti, S.Farm., M.Biomed., Apt.

Universitas Udayana

Academic profile: [sinta], [scopus], [Orchid ID],  [Googlescholar]

Expertise: pharmacy

Dr. Apt. Retno Wahyuningrum, S.Farm., M.Sc.

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Academic profile: [sinta], [scopus ],  [Googlescholar]

Expertise: pharmacy