Author Guidelines
E-Journal of Animal Science, Udayana University welcome students, researchers and/or lecturer to submit their scientific manuscripts particularly in animal sciences or related fields which have not been published in any other journals. Manuscripts should be written in English with a maximum of 10 pages, typed in 1.5 space and font size 11 points. A Paper which has been presented in a certain seminar should be given a footnote. A 2.5 cm margin on both sides of the page is desirable.
Structure of manuscript:
The structure of the manuscript consist of Title, Author(s), Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements and References which are typed in capital letters and bold.
The title should be typed in bold-faced print using both upper and lower case letters and set in the center of the page. The title should be as brief as possible but abbreviations are not permitted. If possible the species involved in the experiment or research might be included.
Name of the author(s) should be typed with full name (s). Indications of professorial rank or other professional titles should not be used. When a paper has several authors from different institutions, key the authors to the address with superscript Arabic numerals and present the additional addresses as footnotes below the name of the authors.
The abstract consisting of no more than 250 words. The word ABSTRACT is printed in bold face print and using capital letters. The abstract have to summarize the results in a brief but understandable form. It should start with a clear statement of the objectives of the experiment and must conclude with one or two sentences that highlight important conclusions. The abstract completed with Key words, typed in italic at the bottom of the abstract.
The introduction starts on a new page following the abstract. The introduction briefly justifies the research and specifies the hypotheses to be tested. To minimize length and avoid redundancy, generally no more than three references should be cited to support a specific concept. Extensive discussion of relevant literature should be included in the discussion of results, not in the introduction.
Materials and Methods:
A clear description is required for all biological, analytical, and statistical procedures used in the experiment. Animals (breed, sex, age, body weight, diets and statistical models should be described clearly and fully. Any restrictions used in estimating parameters should be defined. A statement of the results of statistical analysis should justify the interpretations and conclusions. Do not report a number of similar experimental results separately. Results of similar experiments should be pooled statistically.
Results and Discussion:
It will be better if results combined with discussion. The text should explain or elaborate on the tabular data, but numbers should not be repeated extensively within the text. The discussion should interpret the results clearly and concisely in term of biological mechanisms and should integrate literature results with the research findings to provide the reader with a broad base on which to accept or reject the hypotheses tested.
Conclusions of the experiment and the implication of the results for animal production and/or biology may be written separately from the results and discussion or at the end of the discussion.
The authors should acknowledge institutions or associations which helped during the study with facilities or sponsored the experiment, or any body who helped the authors during the works.
References might be cited from Journal articles, Journal article with a subtitle, Abstracts, Journal article accepted but not yet published (In press), Standard book, Chapter in an Edited book, Thesis, Conference proceedings and/or Research reports.
Editorial Boards:
Chief Editor : Prof. Ir. I Gusti Lanang Oka, M.Agr.Sc.,PhD.
Members : Prof. Dr. Ir. Komang Budaarsa, MS.
Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Suarna, MS.
Prof. Dr. Ir. G.A.M. Kristina Dewi, MS.
Peer Reviewers : Prof. Ir. I Made Mastika, M.Sc., PhD (FAPET.UNUD.)
Prof. Dr. Ir. Nyoman Gede Wiryawan, M.Sc. (IPB., Bogor)
Prof. Dr. Ir. Ketut Sutama, M.Sc. (BALITBANGNAK, Ciawi, Bogor)
Prof. Dr. Drh. Nyoman Sadra Darmawan, MS. (FKH.UNUD.)
Prof. Ir Wayan Kasa, M.Sc.,PhD (FMIPA. UNUD.)
Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Mahardika, MS (FAPET. UNUD.)
Prof. Dr. Ir. Sentana Putra, MS. (FAPET. UNUD.)
Prof. Ir. I. D. K. Harya Putra, M.Sc., PhD. (FAPET., UNUD.)
Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Suparta, MS., MM. (FAPET. UNUD.)
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