Perubahan Kebijakan Amerika Serikat Terhadap Irak Pada Executive Order 13780

  • Kireina Lucretia Muslima Diputri
  • Idin Fasisaka
  • A. A. Bagus Surya Widya Nugraha




This research aims to describe the United State of America's national interest to change their foreign policy regarding the United State of America's decision to remove Iraq from the travel ban. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method, and literature sources to collect the data. The  data  be  analyzed  uses  two  main  concepts,  which  are  national  interest  and  foreign  policy concepts. The results of this research are the United State of America has a defense interest with Iraq.  Furthermore,  the response from the Department  of  Defense for domestic  factors,  and the cooperative attitude by Iraq to answer the former executive order as an external factor as affecting the United State of America's foreign policy changed.  Iraq removed from the travel ban also has fulfilled the first national vital interest of the United States of America, and expected could maintain the national security of the United State of America from terrorism.


Key Words        : United State of America, Iraq, Executive Order, National Interest, Foreign Policy changed


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How to Cite
MUSLIMA DIPUTRI, Kireina Lucretia; FASISAKA, Idin; WIDYA NUGRAHA, A. A. Bagus Surya. Perubahan Kebijakan Amerika Serikat Terhadap Irak Pada Executive Order 13780. DIKSHI (DISKUSI ILMIAH KOMUNITAS HUBUNGAN INTERNASIONAL), [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, sep. 2019. ISSN 2828-1853. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.

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