Pengaruh Kunjungan Wisatawan, Tingkat Hunian Hotel, Pengeluaran Wisatawan Terhadap Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Provinsi Bali
The purpose of this study was to analyze 1) Effect of tourist arrivals, hotel occupancy rates and tourist expenditure on employment, 2) Effect of tourist arrivals, hotel occupancy rates, tourist expenditure and employment to economic growth, 3) The indirect effect tourist arrivals, hotel occupancy rates and tourist expenditure on employment through economic growth. This research was conducted in the province of Bali. The objects on the study include tourist arrivals, hotel occupancy rates, tourist expenditure, employment and economic growth. Data collection methods used in this study include non-participant observation and in-depth interviews. Data analysis technique used is the analysis track / path analysis and Sobel test to analyze the indirect influence through an intervening variable. Based on the results obtained and the conclusions that the visit Travellers tourist expenditure has no direct effect on employment in the province of Bali, while the occupancy rate of the hotel direct and significant impact on employment.