Analisis Kapasitas dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Desa Wisata Bagot, Samosir
New tourist villages generally face general problems such as a lack of understanding about tourism and community
empowerment, so the community's lack of ability to cultivate the potential of the region. By equipping themselves with
the CCB concept of good management can maximize the performance of tourist villages. The problems that arise
related to the capacity faced by the Bagot Tourism Village. The purpose of this study is to identify the capacity of
individuals, organizations, and communities in the Bagot Tourism Village and to evaluate the capacity for community
empowerment in the Bagot Tourism Village. A qualitative approach was used in this study by conducting in-depth
interviews with informants who benefited directly and indirectly from the Bagot Tourism Village. The results of the
analysis that has been carried out that it was found that the Bagot Tourism Village at the individual, organizational
and community level has a moderate capacity. The evaluation carried out on the empowerment and capacity of the
Bagot Tourism Village shows that the social empowerment and psychological empowerment of the Bagot Tourism
Village community are in the high category and political empowerment which is felt to be in the medium category.
Keywords : Community capacity; Empowerment; Tourism village