The Identification of Landslide Prone Subsurface Structure By Resistivity Geoelectric Method In Pakusari Jember

  • Salfa Zahroh Ahadah Universitas Jember
  • Firdha Kusuma Ayu Anggraeni Universitas Jember
  • Trapsilo Prihandono Universitas Jember


This study aims to determine the subsurface structure in landslide-prone areas and to identify the potential for landslides in Subo Village, Pakusari Subdistrict, Jember. The survey was carried out using the resistivity geoelectrical method with Wenner-Schlumberger configuration and 2 m electrode spacing. Four trajectories of different lengths were used, namely 50 m for Trajectory 1, 30 m for Trajectories 2 and 3, and 26 m for Trajectory 4. The data obtained are the magnitude of the potential difference (V) and the magnitude of the current (I), then processed using Res2dinv software to obtain a 2D section and Voxler to obtain a 3D section. It was found that the subsurface structure consists of clay layer with resistivity of 1,48-37,9 ?m, the next layer is sand layer with resistivity of 8,53-192 ?m and sandstone layer which is quite dominant in Tracks 1 and 4 with resistivity value > 432 ?m. The results of landslide potential identification with 3 indicators were also obtained. It can be concluded that Subo Village, Pakusari Subdistrict, Jember is composed of clay, sand and sandstone layers and has a high landslide potential.


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How to Cite
AHADAH, Salfa Zahroh; ANGGRAENI, Firdha Kusuma Ayu; PRIHANDONO, Trapsilo. The Identification of Landslide Prone Subsurface Structure By Resistivity Geoelectric Method In Pakusari Jember. BULETIN FISIKA, [S.l.], v. 25, n. 2, p. 208 – 219, sep. 2024. ISSN 2580-9733. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025. doi: