Study on the Relationship between Hotspots and Air Pollution Standard Index Based on Carbon Monoxide Concentration in West Kalimantan

  • Galuh Utamia Dillayati
  • Dwiria Wahyuni Universitas Tanjungpura
  • Riza Adriat
  • Azrul Azwar
  • Zulfian Zulfian


Hotspots, indicating active fires and potential sources of air pollution, are a major concern due to their impact on air quality in West Kalimantan. In this study, an analysis was carried out regarding the relationship of hotspots to the Air Pollution Standard Index (ISPU) based on the carbon monoxide (CO) parameter. This study aimed to determine the relationship between forest fires and air pollution levels. The data used in this study is in the form of monthly average CO concentration data and coordinates of hotspots in 2017-2021. To determine the effect of CO concentration, CO concentration was converted into ISPU and then mapped using the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) interpolation method. In addition, the overlay technique is also applied to the map and the correlation coefficient calculation between ISPU data and hotspot data. The study results show that the annual average number of hotspots ranges from 769 to 3,612, while the average ISPU ranges from 22.21 to 59.03. The highest average number of hotspots occurred in 2019, with 3,612 hotspots and the highest average ISPU value of 59.03, categorized as moderate. However, when examined monthly, the highest average number of hotspots is observed in August and September, with 8,505 and 8,321 hotspots, respectively, and average ISPU values of 55.36 and 88.32, categorized as moderate. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient between the average number of hotspots and the average ISPU per month is 0.91, and per year is 0.98, indicating a very high relationship. Spatially, clustered hotspot locations correspond to higher ISPU values. This implies that as the number of hotspots increases, the ISPU value based on CO concentration increases.


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How to Cite
DILLAYATI, Galuh Utamia et al. Study on the Relationship between Hotspots and Air Pollution Standard Index Based on Carbon Monoxide Concentration in West Kalimantan. BULETIN FISIKA, [S.l.], v. 25, n. 1, p. 81 – 88, feb. 2024. ISSN 2580-9733. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 feb. 2025. doi: