• I Nyoman Wardi


Training Ecotourism Tour Guide Batukaru Heritage Region-Lake Tamblingan performed at
Munduk Buleleng on 1 until 7 September 2012. The community service was held in SD 3
hall Tamblingan and the meeting was attended by 20 participants from organisation guide
(OBB) including the head of OBB (Organisasi Bangkit Bersama). The aims of this training
to enhance the knowledge and skills as a tracking tour guide in Batukaru-Tamblingan.
Training is also intended to provide a briefing on the knowledge ecosystem of lakes, forest
and about the history and function of the cultural heritage in the region Batukaru-
Tamblingan which now has been declared by UNESCO as a World Cultural Landscape in
As a local tour guide, which is still weak foreign language skills, age, and education level
of the participants is quite heterogeneous effect on the rate of absorption ability and spirit
training. Ecotourism tour guide training is expected to re-integrate the social cohesion
and sustainable society in harmony.
Recognizing the heterogenity of the condition of the trainee, techniques and methods of
presentation of training materials, must be adapted to the conditions so that the material
can be absorbed optimal. The first material was delivered in a lecture and presented by
using the Microsoft Power Point program and discussion to increase participants interest
on the topic. Second, the practice of direct methods on objects that exist in the empirical
Tamblingan Munduk Village. The practice of tour guide in the field for two days with short
track and medium tract.
Based on the evaluation performed the training process, and from the impressions and
messages conveyed by the trainees at the time of closing, was satisfied and happy training.
A participants gave very enthusiastic responses and are expected to continue to be the
quality of human resources and OBB members of the community can be improved.


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Author Biography

I Nyoman Wardi
PS Arkeologi Universitas Udayana
How to Cite
WARDI, I Nyoman. PEMBERDAYAAN TOUR GUIDE EKOTURISME DI KAWASAN CAGAR BUDAYA DANAU TAMBLINGAN-BATUKARU BALI. Bumi Lestari, [S.l.], v. 13, n. 2, aug. 2013. ISSN 2527-6158. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.
Original Research Articles


Keywords: ecosystem, cultural heritage, cultural landscape, ecotourism tour guide