• Ni Putu Aprilia Eka Susanti Program Studi Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana
  • Ni Wayan Arya Utami Program Studi Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana


Semakin meningkatnya jumlah pengunjung wisatawan , baik pihak perusahaan hotel maupun karyawannya perlu melakukan preventif terhadap kejadian penyakit akibat kerja maupun kecelakaan akibat kerja maka perusahaan perlu menerapkan Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja. Kecelakaan kerja dapat terjadi bisa karena unsafe condition dari lingkungan kerja itu sendiri dan unsafe act dari pekerja itu sendiri. Seperti pada karyawan hotel dijelaskan bahwa departemen engineering memiliki tugas kerja yang paling kompleks dan memungkinkan memiliki risiko kelelahan kerja. Maka penelitian yang dilakukan mengetahui gambaran dari sikap dan perilaku dari karyawan terhadap pekerjaan di bidang engineering hotel. Desain penelitian deskriptif dengan kuantitatif dan Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner terkait hal yang akan diteliti pada responden karyawan engineering. Analisis data yang dilakukan yaitu univariat dan bivariate. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan frekuensi responden sebanyak 65 (59,1%) menunjukkan perilaku aman. Selanjunya hasil uji analisis bivariate menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan secara signifikan yaitu umur, masa kerja, sikap dan pengetahuan terhadap perilaku (p<0,05). Sedangkan variabel lain seperti jenis kelamin, pendidikan dan durasi kerja tidak memiliki hubungan dengan perilaku (p>0.05). Bila ditafsirkan bahwa responden penelitian yaitu karyawan engineering dalam penelitian menunjukkan perilaku aman selama bekerja dan memberkan sikap positif.

Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan, Sikap, Perilaku, Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, Engineering, Hotel

The increasing number of tourist visitors, both hotel companies and their employees need to take preventive measures against occupational diseases and work-related accidents, so companies need to implement occupational safety and health. Occupational accidents can occur due to unsafe conditions from the work environment itself and unsafe acts from the workers themselves. As explained to hotel employees, the engineering department has the most complex work assignments and may have a risk of work burnout. So the research was conducted to find out the description of the attitudes and behavior of employees towards work in the field of hotel engineering. Descriptive research design with quantitative and data collection instruments using questionnaires related to the things that will be examined in engineering employee respondents. The data analysis performed was univariate and bivariate. The results showed that the frequency of respondents was 65 (59.1%) showing safe behavior. Furthermore, the results of the bivariate analysis test showed that there was a significant relationship, namely age, years of service, attitudes and knowledge of behavior (p <0.05). While other variables such as gender, education and duration of work have no relationship with behavior (p>0.05). If it is interpreted that the research respondents, namely engineering employees, in the study demonstrated safe behavior while working and gave a positive attitude.
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, Occupational Safety and Health, Engineering, Hotel


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How to Cite
APRILIA EKA SUSANTI, Ni Putu; ARYA UTAMI, Ni Wayan. GAMBARAN PENGETAHUAN, SIKAP DAN PERILAKU K3 KARYAWAN HOTEL BAGIAN ENGINEERING DI KAWASAN WISATA SANUR. ARCHIVE OF COMMUNITY HEALTH, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 3, p. 622-631, dec. 2023. ISSN 2527-3620. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 feb. 2025. doi: