Lingual Journal of Language and Culture was first published back in November 2013 in the effort to accommodate the English Department, Udayana University students and lecturers need of publishing an article within a journal. This quickly escalated to a larger aim of publishing; in 2016, the journal no longer received article submission solely from the English Department. We have received articles from all around Indonesia, even from abroad to be published in Lingual: Journal of Language and Culture. With p-issn of 2527-6719 and e-issn of 2716-3091, Lingual: Journal of Language and Culture publish every May and November with a focus on literature and language. Through linguistics, literature, and social studies, we welcome articles and research reports in a broader concept.

Our latest accreditation decree can be seen from the following link

There are only 8 articles for every issue published, which underlines our work to have it 'first come, first served'. We focus on online procedures, so communication following your article submission will be conducted mainly through this OJS system. Article submission will be reviewed twice using double-blind review process with no APC taken. Any submission that does not follow the journal guidelines or fail to complete the reviewing process on time will be quickly declined and put aside to the next submission available. Detailed guidelines to author submission can be seen by looking up at the following link. Through this journal, we hope that numerous ideas and researches in language and culture can be well documented and progress steadily in the name of science and its future contribution to the society.

Please refer to each section available on this OJS website for further information. You may also contact PIC for a specific detailed answer.