Role of Self-Compassion and Irrational Beliefs in Relationship to Verbal Aggression in Adolescents Dating in Denpasar City
Verbal aggression such as criticizing, cursing, cursing, and threatening a partner is considered emotional abuse. Unhealthy patterns of romantic relationships can lead to mental health problems in adolescents over time. This study aims to look at the role of self-compassion and irrational beliefs in relationship to verbal aggression in adolescents who are dating in Denpasar City. Subjects in the study were 110 people ranging in age from 15 to 21 years. Hypothesis testing is carried out using multiple regression analysis. Based on the results of multiple regression analysis, it is known that F counted at 15,113 with a significance level of 0,000 (p <0.05) which indicates that self-compassion and irrational beliefs in relationship together play a role in verbal aggression in adolescents who are dating in Denpasar City. The results of the analysis show that the R value is 0.469 with a coefficient of determination (R square) of 0.220 which means that self-compassion and irrational beliefs in relationships have a 22% contribution to verbal aggression.
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