Screening for Plagiarism

  1. Create a user profile and select the service as a student (click here).
  2. Please enter the class ID number: 21720547, class enrollment key: 123456 and fill the user information (your name, email address, secret question, and the user agreement).
  3. To submit an assigment click on the "Submit" button to the right of the assigment name. To view the paper you have submitted, click the "View" button. Once the assigment's post date has passed, you will also able to view the feedback left on your paper by clicking the "View" button.
  4. Submit paper: "Single File Upload", fill the user information (name, submission title, and choose the file you want to upload to Turnitin). Please confirm that the file you would like to submit by clicking "Confirm".
  5. Your submission is complete. Articles found with plagiarism are automatically rejected and authors are advised, if the article has a simmilarity below or equal to 22 percent.