1. The author sends the original manuscript to SAKURA Journal accompanied by a statement of the originality
of the written material.
2. The editor will check the manuscript material sent by the author regarding suitability with the style of the
enclosure assessed by the SAKURA Journal.
3. If the manuscript is not appropriate, the manuscript will be returned to the author, where the author is
asked to make revisions and sent back to the SAKURA Journal.
4. Appropriate manuscripts will be published, for the time being without any contribution fee from the author. (Until further notice.)
5. The manuscript will be sent to the reviewer to check the contents of the material regarding the suitability
of the manuscript for publication in a journal.
6. If not appropriate, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revision and re-submission.
If appropriate, the manuscript will be included in the queue list of articles to be published.
7. A collection of articles going to print to become a journal.
Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English in the specified format:
1. The manuscript is typed on A4 paper, left and right margins are 3 cm, top and bottom margins are 2 cm.
Created 1 column in 1 A4 sheet. Use Times New Roman 12 pt font with a page count of 9 -15 pages,
including a bibliography. Manuscripts are written using standard citation applications (Mendeley / Endnote
/ Zotero). APA (American Psychological Association) reference style is required. accompanied by a statement of the originality of the writing material.
1. Title
2. Author Name
Written without a degree. Authors can be individuals or teams and all authors are listed.
3. Work Unit and e-mail
Author's work unit and e-mail address under the author's name.
4. Abstract
Briefly contains a description of the problem, research objectives, methods used, theory used, and research
results; or an overview of the problems discussed in the article and the things that are being criticized.
Abstracts are written in English and Indonesian consisting of 150 to 250 words followed by keywords. Use
Times New Roman 11 pt font, with 1 space. Abstract is italicized and bold. Title and abstract are made 1
column.Roman 11 pt, dengan spasi 1. Abstrak dicetak miring dan dicetak tebal. Judul dan abstrak dibuat 1
5. Keywords
Fill in words or terms that reflect the essence of the concept within the scope of the problem, which may consist of several words/terms. Keywords are written below the abstract with 1 line spacing and italicized. Keywords are written at least 3 words/term, and a maximum of 5 words/term.
7. Bibliography
This section contains only sources referred to and used in writing articles for the last 10 years. Must cite
min. 2 articles from articles published in Sakura Journal.
Naskah ditulis dengan bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris dengan format yang ditentukan:
Ditulis dengan singkat dan padat, dengan bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia maksimum 20 kata
mengandung kata kunci dan harus mencerminkan
substasi tema jurnal SAKURA.
Ditulis tanpa gelar. Penulis dapat individu atau tim dan semua penulis dicantumkan.
Unit kerja dan alamat e-mail penulis di bawah nama penulis.
4. Abstrak
Secara ringkas memuat uraian mengenai masalah,tujuan penelitian metode yang digunakan, teori yang digunakan, dan hasil penelitian; atau gambaran umum masalah yang dibahasa dalam artikel dan hal-hal yang sedang dikritisi. Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris yang terdiri dari 150 sampai dengan 250 kata dengan diikuti oleh kata kunci. Menggunakan huruf Times New Roman 11 pt, dengan spasi 1. Abstrak dicetak miring dan dicetak tebal. Judul dan abstrak dibuat 1 kolom.
5. Kata kunci
Diisi kata atau istilah yang mencerminkan esensi konsep dalam cakupan permasalahan, dapat terdiri dari beberapa buah kata/istilah. Kata kunci ditulis di bawah abstrak dengan jarak 1 baris dan dicetak miring. Kata kunci minimal ditulis 3 kata/istilah, dan maksimal 5 kata/istilah.
6. Isi Naskah
7. Daftar Pustaka
Bagian ini memuat hanya sumber-sumber yang diacu dan digunakan di dalam penulisan artikel maksimal 10 tahun terakhir. Wajib mensitasi minimal 2 artikel yang telah diterbitkan di Jurnal Sakura.
Print ISSN: 2623-1328
Online ISSN: 2623-0151
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons AttribEditution 4.0 International License.
Sakura: Sastra, Bahasa, Kebudayaan dan Pranata Jepang (p-ISSN 2623-1328 |e-ISSN 2623-0151 )
Managed by Japanese Department Faculty of Humanities Udayana University.
Jl. Pulau Nias No 13 Denpasar
Published by Udayana University