• Anastasia Septya Titisari


Adolescents are group of population that contributte in demographic bonus. This occurs when the number of
productive ages is greater than the nonproductive. If not managed properly, demographic bonuses will result in
negative effects to development. Therefore, adolescents should be equipped with useful sciences. One of them is
concerning population. Besides providing an understanding of population control, the goal is also to provide an
understanding the maturing age of marriage. This is related to fulfilling the rights of health and reproduction for
adolescents. This study discusses about knowledge, attitude, and behaviour trend of adolescents (15-24 years old)
towards population seen from RPJMN Survey data (2007-2015). The result shows that adolescent knowledge about
fertile period and pregnancy is still fluctuating. As for methods of contraceptive knowledge and the willingness to
use contraceptive in the future having an increasing trend. The RPJMN survey shows most adolescents know proper
age of marriage and having children. The survey data trend also shows that adolescent attitudes tends to mature
the age of marriage, to plan the number of children, and to control the birth space. There is also an increase in the
percentage of adolescents who become increasingly concerned about population issues by knowing the effects of
population growth and realizing the importance of government programs in regulating population growth..


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How to Cite
TITISARI, Anastasia Septya. TREN PENGETAHUAN SIKAP DAN PERILAKU (PSP) REMAJA TERHADAP ISU KEPENDUDUKAN. PIRAMIDA, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 1, p. 16-22, july 2018. ISSN 2685-788X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.