• I Gede Ketut Suntajaya Perwakilan BKKBN Provinsi Bali


Bali experienced a relatively rapid urbanization. This can be seen from an increasing proportion of the urban
population during the last 30 years i.e. from 14.7 percent (the Population Census of 1980) to more than 60.0
percent (the Population Census of 2010). In the future, the demographers estimate that the process of urbanization
in Indonesia is more likely due to the rural-urban migration. This estimate is based on the increasingly low natural
growth of urban population, the relatively slow pace of change in the status of rural into urban areas, and the
relatively strong economic and development policies that tend to “urban bias”. The latter increase the attractiveness
of urban areas for people who live in rural areas.
This study aims to determine the factors that influence the occurrence of migration from rural to the urban areas
in Bali. Data were collected from 300 sample respondents that distributed proportionally in each regency / city in
accordance with the proportion of the urban population in each region under studied. The samples of respondents
were urban people who came from rural areas outside Bali, or from the regencies of Bali who migrated within a
period of 2010-2014. Samples were taken by accidental and descriptive data analysis with reference to the table of
frequency distribution.
The findings show that the main push factor in the area of origin that causes a person to take rural-urban
migration, as many as 77.4 percent of respondents mentioned it was because of economic incentives, 17.3 percent due
to social factors, and 5.3 percent mentioned that the traditional custom practices in the area of origin are relatively
burdensome. While the pull factors in destination areas were similar, namely economic factors mentioned by 70.0
percent of respondents, social factors expressed by 18.3 percent, and as many as 11.7 percent of respondents argued
that the traditional custom practices are less burdensome in the urban areas.


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How to Cite
SUNTAJAYA, I Gede Ketut. FAKTOR-FATOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI TERJADINYA URBANISASI DI PROVINSI BALI. PIRAMIDA, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 2, dec. 2014. ISSN 2685-788X. Available at: <https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/piramida/article/view/18694>. Date accessed: 30 june 2024.


urbanization; economic; social; and traditional practice reasons