Jurnal IPTA (Industri Perjalanan Wisata) was first published in December 2013 with an interval of twice a year in July and December. Jurnal IPTA (Industri Perjalanan Wisata) published by The Department of Tour and Travel Studies, Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University, Denpasar Bali with online ISSN: 2548-7930 and print ISSN: 2338-8633. Jurnal IPTA (Industri Perjalanan Wisata) have been indexed until 2017 on: SINTA, DOAJ, Dimensions, Google Scholar, etc. The publication of this journal is a scientific journal as well as communication and scientific information in the field of tour and travel studies. It also contains the results of research summary, survey results and various scientific writings of tour and travel studies. The study entities in this journal include: (1) tourist: (a) social, cultural, and economic tourists, (b) demographics, motivation, and tourist experiences; (c) tourist attitudes and perceptions, (d) inbound and outbound tourist, and (e) the level of customer satisfaction. (2) geographical elements: (a) information, communication, and technology on tourism, (b) tourism management, (c) tourism marketing, (d) creative economy, and (e) transportation management. (3) tourism industry: (a) tourism business, (b) tour and travel business, (c) airlines management, (d) logistic management, (e) cruise services, (f) MICE and events, and (g) tourism board.

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