This is the website for the online journal run by the University of Udayana

  • Media Ilmiah Teknologi Pangan (Scientific Journal of Food Technology)

    Media Ilmiah Teknologi Pangan (Scientific Journal of Food Technology) adalah jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola oleh Program Magister Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Udayana, Denpasar-Bali. Jurnal ilmiah ini diterbitkan dua kali setahun, mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian dan ulasan ilmiah dalam bidang ilmu dan teknologi pangan.

  • E-Jurnal Medium

    Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

  • Jurnal Nawala Politika

    Jurnal Nawala Politika (JNP) is an open access journal in the Department of Politic, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Udayana University. The aim of our journal is to distribute current researches on the field of Political Science, especially on the political issue of identity, gender, political ideologies, democracy, globalization, political ecology, and governance. The Jurnal is published two times in a year. Due to our  political students research archivals, this journal was started to publish in 2015. 

  • Jurnal Arsitektur Lansekap

    E-Jurnal Arsitektur Lansekap (JAL) (e-ISSN: 2442-5508) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, published by Landscape Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University. JAL publishes original research results and reviews articles in the field of landscape architecture. The author is expected to upload his unpublished works, being reviewed or being considered for publication in other journals or other media. The scope of JAL covers the following areas: landscape design, landscape planning, landscape management, landscape plants, cultural landscape and tourism landscape.

    Currently, JAL only publishes journals in the online version 2 (two) times a year every April and October.


    Jurnal Arsitektur Lansekap (JAL) (e-ISSN: 2442-5508) adalah peer-reviewed, open access jurnal, diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Arsitektur Pertamanan, Fakultas  Pertanian, Universitas Udayana. JAL menerbitkan hasil  peneitian original dan review artikel dalam bidang  Arsitektur Lansekap. Penulis diharapkan mengimkan karya tulisnya yang belum pernah dipublikasikan, sedang di-review atau sedang dipertimbangkan untuk diterbitkan di jurnal atau media  lain secara lengkap. Ruang lingkup JAL mencangkup pada bidang berikut: desain lansekap, perencanaan lansekap, pengelolaan lansekap, tanaman lansekap, lansekap budaya dan lansekap pariwisata.

    Saat ini, JAL hanya menerbitkan jurnal dalam versi online sebanyak 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun setiap bulan April dan Oktober.


    Indexed by: IPI Jurnal Arsitektur Lansekap  Sinta Ristek Dikti Jurnal Arsitektur Lansekap Sinta Ristek Dikti Jurnal Arsitektur Lansekap 

  • Journal of Environment

    Journal of Environment (ISSN: 2356-3125) is a peer-reviewed journal, presents original research articles and letters in all areas of environmental studies and environmental sciences (abiotics, biotics and cultural/socials).
    The journal is published by Master Program in Environmental Sciences of Udayana University. The journal just published in online versions. The online version is free access and download.

    Logo IPI

  • Lingual Journal of Language and Culture

    LINGUAL Journal of Language and Culture is concerned with the study of linguistics and literature. Preference is given to articles of English literatures, Linguistics, and Social Studies. The journal is published twice a year in May and November, presenting articles containing analyses, studies, application of theories, research report, material development, teaching and learning languages and reviews.


    doaj sinta dimension crossref google-scholar garuda <brin road-issn

  • JURNAL MANAJEMEN AGRIBISNIS (Journal Of Agribusiness Management)

    The Journal of Agribusiness Management (JMA) is a scientific journal, has a concentration focus on Sustainable Agriculture Management and Agribusiness Areas and refers to the term "Sustainable Development Goals." Sustainable Development Goals are needed in agribusiness management as a means to form structured and organized agribusiness planning well. Through this concentration focus, it can be understood that planning is vital in agricultural business considering its nature is full of uncertainty and vulnerable to risk of loss, so it requires analysis and synthesis of multidisciplinary science to explain empirical facts of social, economic, management, and institutional dimensions in a company or agricultural area . The Agribusiness Management Journal only accepts articles from original research papers and has not been published in any institution. The Agribusiness Management Journal was first published in October 2013. It was then called "Agribusiness Management." In October 2017, "Agribusiness Management" changed its name to Journal of Agribusiness Management (JMA) and was published twice a year, namely in May and October. JMA is published by the Master of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia.


    DIKSHI (Diskusi Ilmiah Komunitas Hubungan Internasional)  is a journal published by Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Udayana University as a platform dedicated to a better understanding of international issues that aims to craft alternatives in international studies.

    DIKSHI focuses on publishing original research articles related to international and global studies, international relations, international development, diplomacy, global political economy, global politics, local and global relations, regional politics, international organization and other relevant topics.

    As it aims to provide better and alternative understanding in international studies, DIKSHI welcomes researchers, academicians, professionals, and students to submit their original works. DIKSHI accepts articles written in English or Bahasa Indonesia.

    For more information, please contact

  • Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies)


    Accredited by Science and Technology Index (SINTA) Ristek Dikti (SINTA 1)

    The Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies) is an area study journal that specializes in publishing research-based articles about Bali.

    The topics of articles about Bali that can be published are very diverse including Balinese culture, politics, music, language, architecture, literature, history, mass media, popular culture, tourism, economy, environment, health, law, management, religion, and Balinese customs. The journal would also like to publish articles on Bali with comparative approaches.

    The Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies) is published twice a year, every April and October. Published articles are reviewed in a single blinded manner.

    The Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies) was first published in April 2011 by the Center for Balinese Studies, University of Udayana. Starting from April 2019, the journal is published jointly by the Center for Balinese Studies and the Center of Excellence in Tourism, University of Udayana.

    However, starting April 2020, the Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies) was published by the Center for Cultural Research and the Center of Excellence in Tourism, University of Udayana. This change occurred because of the reorganization of research centers at Udayana University from the end of 2019.



    PROSIDING CSGTEIS 2013 memuat naskah-naskah dari seminar nasional “Conference on Smart-Green Technology in Electrical and Information Systems (CSGTEIS) 2013”, yang dilaksanakan dan diorganisasikan oleh Jurusan Teknik Elektro Program Sarjana dan Pascasarjana, Universitas Udayana, Denpasar-Bali. Naskah yang dipublikasikan pada prosiding CSGTEIS 2013 meliputi bidang Power Systems, Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Multimedia Telecommunications dan Software Engineering and Information Systems

  • Jurnal Psikologi Udayana

    Jurnal Psikologi Udayana is a scientific journal in Psychology published by the Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Udayana that aims to facilitate the process of interaction, discussion, and further discussion of the development of psychology in Indonesian society. The journal includes topics related to the theme of clinical, industry and organization, educational, developmental, and social psychology.


    Jurnal Psikologi Udayana accepts various research methods, both quantitative and qualitative methods. Also, in this journal, there are discussions related to the development of problems found in society. Each article sent to the Jurnal Psikologi Udayana will be reviewed using a double-blind and two-peer review method.


    ISSN: 2354-5607 (Print)

    ISSN: 2654-4024 (Online)



    JURNAL DESTINASI PARIWISATA terbit dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan Juni dan bulan Desember yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Sarjana Pariwisata, Fakultas Pariwisata, Universitas Udayana Denpasar Bali. Jurnal ini dipublikasikan sebagai salah satu upaya dalam memberikan sumbangan dari dunia akademis kepada sektor pariwisata yang semakin menjanjikan secara ekonomi tetapi di sisi lain menimbulkan pula berbagai permasalahan seperti degradasi budaya, sosial-ekonomi, konflik, kriminalitas, kerusakan ekologi dan banyak permasalahan lainnya. Terbitnya jurnal ini menuangkan hasil penelitian, survei dan tulisan ilmiah populer dalam bidang kepariwisataan yang mencakup aspek perencanaan, penataan, pengelolaan dan dampak yang ditimbulkannya yang dikaji berdasarkan teori-teori klasik, modern maupun postmodern dengan berbagai varian metodologi sesuai dengan kajian dan kemampuan penulis. Redaksi dengan bangga menerima sumbangan tulisan para pakar, staf pengajar perguruan tinggi, praktisi maupun mahasiswa yang peka dan peduli terhadap eksistensi dan pengembangan pariwisata yang berkelanjutan. Jurnal Destinasi Pariwisata terindeks pada:

    ResearchGate Logo


  • Jurnal Master Pariwisata (JUMPA)


    “JUMPA” merupakan singkatan dari Jurnal Master Pariwisata (Journal Master in Tourism Studies), diterbitkan oleh Prodi Magister Kajian Pariwisata Program Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana. Terbit dalam dua format yaitu format cetak dan on line, keduanya terbit dua kali setahun.  Lingkup kajian jurnal secara garis besarnya meliputi: (1) kajian sosial budaya pariwisata (dampak sosial budaya pengembangan pariwisata, pariwista pro-rakyat, desa wisata, pariwisata ekonomi kreatif); dan (2) Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Pariwisata (Perencanaan destinasi pariwisata yang mempertimbangkan faktor faktor lingkungan, sosial, ekonomi makro dan fisik-geografis, strategi perencanaan pariwisata (pemasaran, promosi, forecasting), kelayakan dan pengembangan produk pariwisata. Artikel di-review oleh tim mitra bestari. JUMPA telah terindeks pada :



  • RUANG: Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan (SPACE: Journal of the Built Environment)

    RUANG: Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan (SPACE: Journal of the Built Environment) [E-ISSN 2355-570X | P-ISSN 2355-5718 | DOI 10.24843]  is a refereed journal which addresses the built environment. It includes publications pertaining to topics on development and planning; human settlements; conservation of the built environment; urban design; ethnic built environment and other related topics. It publishes articles documented as a result of research activities, the development of new theory; study of the existing theories or the implementation of certain conceptual systems. Each submission will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. The Journal is published twice a year, in April and October, by the Udayana University.

    Abstracting & Indexing: Google Scholar, DOAJGARUDASINTADimensions



    Simbiosis is an electronic scientific journal published periodically by the Faculty of Biology S1 UNUD containing scientific works biology that include botany, zoology, microbiology, and molecular genetics and the environment.

    Logo IPI    Image result for google scholar journal  Source Title: SIMBIOSIS in Publications - Dimensions

  • Bali Journal of Medical and Health Sciences

    Bali Journal of Medical and Health Sciences is an open-access journal published by the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University. 

  • Jurnal Ilmiah Merpati (Menara Penelitian Akademika Teknologi Informasi)

    Jurnal Ilmiah Merpati (Menara Penelitian Akademika Teknologi Informasi) with ISSN Print 2252-3006 and ISSN Online 2685-2411 is a scientific peer-reviewed open access journal containing the scientific literature on studies of pure and applied research in computer science and information technology. Jurnal Ilmiah Merpati (Menara Penelitian Akademika Teknologi Information) is published by Department of Information Technology Faculty of Engineering Universitas Udayana. Editors invite researchers, practitioners, and students to write scientific developments in fields related to computer science and information technology.

    Jurnal Ilmiah Merpati (Menara Akademika Teknologi Informasi) is issued 3 (three) times a year in April, August, and December. This journal contains research articles and scientific studies. Jurnal Ilmiah Merpati (Menara Akademika Teknologi Informasi) is Accredited by Ministry of Research and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI).



    Member of:




  • Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum

    E-Journal Kertha Wicara merupakan jurnal elektronik yang dimiliki oleh Program Studi Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Udayana. Tujuan dari publikasi Jurnal ini untuk memberikan ruang mempublikasikan   pemikiran kritis hasil penelitian orisinal, gagasan konseptual maupun review article dari akademisi, peneliti, maupun praktisi yang belum pernah dipublikasikan pada media lainnya. Lingkup & Fokus (Scope & Focus article) yang dipublikasikan meliputi  topik-topik sebagai berikut:

    • Hukum Acara

    • HukumTata Negara;

    • Hukum Administrasi;

    • Hukum Pidana;

    • Hukum Internasional;

    • Hukum Hukum Perdata

    • Hukum Adat;

    • Hukum Bisnis;

    • Hukum Kepariwisataan;

    • Hukum Lingkungan;

    • Hukum Dan Masyarakat;

    • Hukum Informasi Teknologi dan Transaksi Elektronik;

    • Hukum Hak Asasi Manusia;

    • Hukum Kontemporer.


  • Kertha Semaya : Journal Ilmu Hukum

    E-Journal Kertha Semaya merupakan jurnal elektronik yang dimiliki oleh Program Studi Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Udayana. Materi muatan jurnal ini memfokuskan diri pada tulisan-tulisan ilmiah menyangkut lapangan Hukum Perdata atau Bisnis. Secara spesifik, topik-topik yang menjadi tema sentral jurnal ini meliputi antara lain: Hukum Perikatan, Hukum Perlindungan Konsumen, Hukum Perbankan, Hukum Investasi, Hukum Pasar Modal, Hukum Perusahaan, Hukum Pengangkutan, Hukum Asuransi, Hukum Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual, dan Hukum Perburuhan.

  • Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum

    E-Journal Kertha Negara merupakan jurnal elektronik yang dimiliki oleh Program Studi Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Udayana. Materi muatan jurnal ini memfokuskan diri pada tulisan-tulisan ilmiah menyangkut konsentrasi  Hukum Tata Negara, Hukum Administrasi Negara, dan Hukum Internasional. Secara spesifik, topik-topik yang menjadi tema sentral jurnal ini meliputi antara lain: Good Governance, Hukum Pertanahan, Hukum Perpajakan, Hukum Keuangan Daerah, Hukum Pemerintahan Daerah, Hukum Kepariwisataan, Hukum Hak Asasi Manusia, Hukum Konstitusi, Hukum Perundang-Undangan, Hukum dan Kebijakan Publik, Hukum Laut Internasional, Hukum Perdata Internasional, Hukum Perjanjian Internasional dan Hukum Humaniter.

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