• Sulistyawati -


Architectural picture of a dwelling area can indicate its social, economic, and cultural features of the
community concerned. Indonesia, as one of developing countries, for example, has many dwelling areas
for marginalized social groups one of them is Denpasar that often creates architecturally disordered city.
The purposes of this paper are to know and understand: (1) the causes of disorder of marginalized
dwelling; (2) the negative impacts of the disorder; (3) the solutions for architectural ordering of that
dwelling; and (4) the obstacles in implementation of ordering program and its alternative solutions.
The findings of this study indicate that the causes of layout and environment disordering of marginalized
group in Denpasar are: that this marginalized group is out of planning and facilities development of the
city; most of these poor groups earn their livings in informal sector, adding with various small family
businesses in very narrow house yard that make supporting facilities crowded and mixed with industrial
disposal they create; they tend to choose to live in the cheapest areas and close to the center of the city, no
matter how slump it is. Other cause is culture of poverty.
Its negative impacts are: hampering of the beauty of the city and waste of resources; sources of various
epidemic sicknesses; sources of psychological or mental sicknesses such as hate of staying at home and
social emotional sensitive. The ordering solutions need the roles of all concerned, particularly related
institutions, non government organizations those concern with the problems of slump areas, either from
technique-technological or socio-cultural points of views, with active participation of the society of that
slump area. The impeding factors to the implementation of the programs are: the obstacle from the policy
makers, solved through mental improvement and understanding the needs of the city poor. The obstacles
from the target society and its alternatives to be solved include: land right, the determination to stay,
poverty, personal characteristic and behavior of the social group.


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Author Biography

Sulistyawati -
Guru Besar Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik dan Dosen Program Pascasarjana & Doktor
Kajian Budaya Universitas Udayana
How to Cite
-, Sulistyawati. ARSITEKTUR DAN PERMUKIMAN KELOMPOK SOSIAL TERPINGGIRKAN DI KOTA DENPASAR. Jurnal Natah, [S.l.], nov. 2012. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 28 mar. 2025.


dwelling architecture of the city poor.

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