New Orthogonal Small Set Kasami Code Sequence

  • I Nyoman Pramaita Udayana University
  • I G.A.G.K. Diafari Udayana University
  • DNKP Negara Udayana University
  • Agus Dharma Udayana University


In this paper, the authors propose the design of a new orthogonal small set Kasami code sequence generated using combination of non-orthogonal m-sequence and small set Kasami code sequence. The authors demonstrate that the proposed code sequence has comparable auto-correlation function (ACF), cross- correlation function (CCF), peak cross-correlation values with that of the existing orthogonal small set Kasami code sequence. Though the proposed code sequence has less code sequence sets than that of the existing orthogonal small set Kasami code sequence, the proposed code sequence possesses one more numbers of members in each code sequence set. The members of the same code set of the proposed code sequence are orthogonal to each other.


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Author Biographies

I Nyoman Pramaita, Udayana University
Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Udayana University
I G.A.G.K. Diafari, Udayana University
Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Udayana University
DNKP Negara, Udayana University
Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Udayana University
Agus Dharma, Udayana University
Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Udayana University


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How to Cite
PRAMAITA, I Nyoman et al. New Orthogonal Small Set Kasami Code Sequence. Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 1, june 2015. ISSN 2503-2372. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 24 feb. 2025. doi:


ACF, CCF, orthogonal code, spreading code