The Role of City Forest: Study of Malang Urban Forest Contribution in Sequestrating Carbondioxide Emition

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Roimil Latifa Diani Fatmawati Ahmad Fauzi


Malabar, as an urban forest has a potential in CO2 sequestration which was not documented yet. This quantitative descriptive research aimed to describe the contribution of Malabar urban forest in CO2 emission mitigation through calculating the amount of CO2 absorbed by the forest. The data collection used was non-destructive in which the indicators measured were DBH and the height of the trees with DBH more than 20 cm. The data gained then was analyzed using Alometric Chave formula to obtain the amount of plant biomass, carbon values, and CO2 values. The results showed that the potential of Malabar rban forest is not optimized yet as the low amount of carbon stored in this forest. Thus, it is suggested to enrich the trees planted with those which can sequestrate CO2 in much higher amount compare to the exist one.


Kata kunci: CO2 sequestration, urban forest, Malabar urban forest


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LATIFA, Roimil; FATMAWATI, Diani; FAUZI, Ahmad. The Role of City Forest: Study of Malang Urban Forest Contribution in Sequestrating Carbondioxide Emition. Metamorfosa: Journal of Biological Sciences, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 2, p. 202-209, sep. 2021. ISSN 2655-8122. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025. doi: