Website-Based Application for Classification of Diabetes Using Logistic Regression Method

  • Muhamad Soleh Program Studi Informatika, Institut Teknologi Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Naufal Ammar Program Studi Informatika, Institut Teknologi Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Indrati Sukmadi Program Studi Informatika, Institut Teknologi Indonesia, Indonesia


Machine learning is a one of computer science field, machine-learning studies how computers are able to learn from data to improve their intelligence. Machine learning consists of many classification methods, including Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, Logistics Regression, and others. In this study, a classification process carried out using the Logistics Regression method for cases of Diabetes. Diabetes is an increase in glucose in the bloodstream due to a lack of insulin, which is responsible for the transfer of glucose from the blood to tissues or cells. This study created with the aim of improving previous paper. The data used in this study are the same data as previous studies published by the Pima Indian Diabetes Dataset. In this study, several stages used, those are pre-processing, processing, evaluation, and website-based application development. The data in this study divided into two, 75% for training data, and 25% for testing data. This study produces an evaluation with an accuracy 80%, which means it is better than the previous paper, which is 75, 97%.

How to Cite
SOLEH, Muhamad; AMMAR, Naufal; SUKMADI, Indrati. Website-Based Application for Classification of Diabetes Using Logistic Regression Method. Jurnal Ilmiah Merpati (Menara Penelitian Akademika Teknologi Informasi), [S.l.], p. 23-33, apr. 2021. ISSN 2685-2411. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025. doi:

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