Propeller Speed Control System on Autonomous Quadcopter with Variations in Load Fulcrum Point

  • Ratna Aisuwarya Universitas Andalas
  • Ibrahim Saputra Computer Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology, Andalas University
  • Dodon Yendri Computer Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology, Andalas University


The need for unmanned vehicles is increasingly needed in certain conditions, such as distribution of disaster supply, distribution of medicines, distribution of vaccines in the affected areas in pandemic situations. The various types of goods to be distributed require a different fulcrum. This research implemented PID control for the quadcopter balance control system to achieve stability during hovering. PID control is used to achieve a certain setpoint to produce the required PWM output for the propeller to reach a speed that can fly the quadcopter tilted until it reaches a steady state. Tests were carried out on the roll and pitch motion of the quadcopter by providing a load. The results show that PID control can be implemented for the quadcopter balance control system during hovering by determining the PID constants for each roll and pitch motion with the constanta of Kp = 0.15, Kd = 0.108, and Ki = 0.05. The quadcopter takes 3 – 6 seconds to return to the 0 degree setpoint when it is loaded.


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How to Cite
AISUWARYA, Ratna; SAPUTRA, Ibrahim; YENDRI, Dodon. Propeller Speed Control System on Autonomous Quadcopter with Variations in Load Fulcrum Point. Lontar Komputer : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 3, p. 163-174, nov. 2021. ISSN 2541-5832. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025. doi: