Predicting the Number of Passengers in Public Transportation Areas Using the Deep Learning Model LSTM

  • Joko Siswanto Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan
  • Sri Yulianto Joko Prasetyo Faculty of Information Technology, Satya Wacana Christian University
  • Sutarto Wijono Faculty of Information Technology, Satya Wacana Christian University
  • Evi Maria Faculty of Information Technology, Satya Wacana Christian University
  • Untung Rahardja Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Raharja


Accurate predictions of the number of public transport passengers on buses in each region are crucial for operations. They are required by the planning and management authority for bus public transport. A deep learning-based LSTM prediction model is proposed to predict the number of passengers in 4 bus public transportation areas (central, north, south, and west), evaluated by MSLE, MAPE, and SMAPE with dropout, neuron, and train-test variations. The CSV dataset obtained from Auckland Transport(AT) New Zealand metro patronage report on bus performance(1/01/2019-31/07/2023) is used for evaluation. The best prediction model was obtained from the lowest evaluation value and relatively fast time with a dropout of 0.2, 32 neurons, and train-test 80-20. The prediction model on training and testing data improves with the suitability of tuning for four predictions for the next 12 months with mutual fluctuations. The strong negative correlation is central-south, while the strong positive correlation is north-west. Predictions are less closely interconnected and dependent, namely central-south. With its potential to significantly impact policy-making, this prediction model can increase public transport mobility in each region, leading to a more efficient and accessible public transport system and ultimately enhancing the public's daily lives. This research has practical implications for public transport authorities, as it can guide them in making informed decisions about service planning and resource allocation.



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How to Cite
SISWANTO, Joko et al. Predicting the Number of Passengers in Public Transportation Areas Using the Deep Learning Model LSTM. Lontar Komputer : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi, [S.l.], v. 15, n. 03, p. 173-185, jan. 2025. ISSN 2541-5832. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 mar. 2025. doi: