• IG.A.K. Suriadi
  • I D. G. A. Subagia
  • I K. A. Atmika


The Negara city is an area that has already quite crowded, shown by the availability of many facilities, so
small industrial/business group are emerging, one of which is an industry or group of enterprises manufacture
of cassava chips "Niki Suka". Meanwhile, in the eastern region of of Bali island, there are UD. Gurih Sari, is
a small industry that produces cassava chips as well . Production of chips is still utilizing local resources
andproduced conventionally. UD Gurih Sari and Suka Niki Suka business groups, both have a similar
problem that is related to productivity, caused by small capacity and conventional of cassava cutlery/slicer, as
well as low educational background of human resources (HR). The aims of the activity is to generate cassava
slicing/cutting machine. Solutions or methods offered in this program is to replace the equipment or the
conventional way with a cassava mower/slicer. Technical planning activities of our team was using some
input from business groups partner. The next activity in introducing the good management "of the company "
that was dealed and desired by the partner. Then continued by the introcudtion of work safety. The first
community service activities held on August 22, 2015 at Niki Suka women business group, located in the
village Cupel, Negara, Jembrana District, Bali. The activities began with a demo making cassava chips
conventionally by Niki Suka women business group, continued by introducing and demonstrating the
machine that we made. This training can improve the skills of the workforce in producing cassava chips.


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How to Cite
SURIADI, IG.A.K.; SUBAGIA, I D. G. A.; ATMIKA, I K. A.. PENERAPAN MESIN PENGIRIS SINGKONG PADA INDUSTRI KECIL KRIPIK SINGKONG. Buletin Udayana Mengabdi, [S.l.], v. 15, n. 2, p. 118-124, may 2016. ISSN 2654-9964. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.


Cassava chips; conventional; cutting efficiency; productivity