Sistem Informasi Sepeda Motor Dengan Metode User Centered Design

  • Gusto Gibeon Ginting Universitas Udayana
  • I Gusti Ngurah Anom Cahyadi Putra Udayana University
  • Made Agung Raharja Udayana University
  • Ngurah Agus Sanjaya ER Udayana University
  • I Ketut Gede Suhartana Udayana University
  • Gst. Ayu Vida Mastrika Giri Udayana University


Today, vehicles are a major need for humans, especially motorcycles. In Indonesia alone the number
of motorcycle population is more than other types of vehicles. The use of motorbikes is considered
more effective because of low operational costs, economical fuel consumption and more
environmentally friendly, and a wider range of mobility due to their not too large size and easy use.
Because of this, various brands of industrial companies are circulating in the market, so that it is difficult
for people to choose a motorbike. To realize this, a research entitled Motorcycle Information System
Using the User Centered Design Method was carried out. In this study, the researcher will later add a
recommendation feature to the built website, this feature will later compare in terms of a smaller value
than the variable inputted by the user, to run this feature, the researcher adds a selection sort algorithm
as an algorithm for comparing values between variables.
This study aims to design a website-based user interface and user experience. Where it is, proportional
to the increase in the number of purchases of existing motorcycles. The website that has been made
was tested on the General Public and Informatics Students with a total of 20 respondents. To find out
the level of satisfaction of respondents in using the motorcycle recommendation website, usability
testing was carried out using the system usability scale method. This method measures the usability of
a computer system according to the user's subjective point of view by filling out a Likert-scale
questionnaire. The website that has been made is tested on the General Public and Informatics
Students. To find out the level of satisfaction of respondents in using the motorcycle recommendation
website, usability testing was carried out using the system usability scale method. This method
measures the usability of a computer system according to the user's subjective point of view by filling
out a Likert-scale questionnaire.


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How to Cite
GINTING, Gusto Gibeon et al. Sistem Informasi Sepeda Motor Dengan Metode User Centered Design. JELIKU (Jurnal Elektronik Ilmu Komputer Udayana), [S.l.], v. 12, n. 2, p. 435-442, mar. 2023. ISSN 2654-5101. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025. doi:

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