• Dewa Gde Agung Budiyasa
  • K Tuti Parwati Merati


Dengue Viral (DV) infection has been a big problem on the world (WHO, 2005). One of the factors that can inß uence
succesfull of the DV infection treatment was correction for hyponatremia as one of the factors caused dengue encephalopathy.
Hyponatremia cause by plasma leakage, the more severe plasma leakage the more severe hyponatremia. The aim of this study to
know association between degree of severity of DV infection and natrium serum concentration, correlation between two signs
of plasma leakage (albumin concentration and hematocrit) with serum natrium concentration. Analytic cross sectional design
be applied for DV infection patients who admitted at Internal Medicine Department of Sanglah General Hospital on November
! December 2010. Pearson correlation test showed signiÞ cant correlation between albumin and serum natrium (p = 0.018, r =
0.254), no signiÞ cant correlation between hematocrit and natrium serum (p = 0.861, r = 0.019). Linear regression showed p
value for albumin 0.495 and degree of severity of DV infection 0.000, so variable that can predict natrium serum concentration
was degree of severity of DV infection, stated with formula y = 134,515 - 2,664x. The conclusion we found there was negative
association between degree of severity of DV infection and natrium serum concentration which signiÞ cant between DF and DHF.
But among degree of DHF there were just tendention that the more severe degree of severity of DHF the lower serum natrium
concentration. There was signiÞ cant correlation between albumin and natrium serum concentration, but albumin can"t predict
natrium serum concentration. No signiÞ cant correlation between natrium serum concentration and hematocrit. We suggest to
measure natrium serum concentration to antisipate worsening of DV infection, and better be performed for serial examination.


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Author Biographies

Dewa Gde Agung Budiyasa
Bagian/SMF Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK Unud-RSUP Sanglah Denpasar
K Tuti Parwati Merati
Bagian/SMF Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK Unud-RSUP Sanglah Denpasar
How to Cite
AGUNG BUDIYASA, Dewa Gde; PARWATI MERATI, K Tuti. HUBUNGAN ANTARA DERAJAT BERAT INFEKSI VIRUS DENGUE DAN KADAR NATRIUM SERUM. journal of internal medicine, [S.l.], nov. 2012. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.


degree of severity of dengue viral infection, natrium serum, albumin, hematocrite