• IW Losen Adnyana
  • K Suega


We reported a case of acute leucemia (AML-M6) that experienced change of blood group. Leukemia is hematologic
malignancy with differentiation abnormality at grades haematopoetic stem cell that can make progressive expansión from
malignant clone cell in bone marrow and than spread to systemic circulation. In ABO blood system, group A with A antigen
and anti B antibody, group B with B antigen and A antibody, O group without AB antigen and antibody. In this case, acute
leukemia be con! rmed with blood smear and bone marrow puncture. Changes of blood group known after remission induction
chemotherapy accordng to AML-M6 regiment. Post chemotherapy, there was changes O to A blood group according to ABO
system. On family examination showed result of subgroup A of blood group previously. On acute leucemia or other hematopoitic
disease, there are two mechanism for explanation change of ABO blood system. The ! rst hematologic malignancy induced loss
of ABO antigen due to inactivity of transferae A and B as the result was loss or decreased of antigen A and or B with simultant
increase of H antigen. Second, loss of ABH antigen in certain type of leucemia preceeding by loss of heterogenicity. ABO antigen
will reversed after proper treatment of leucemiaitself.


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Author Biographies

IW Losen Adnyana
Bagian/SMF Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, FK Unud/RS Sanglah Denpasar
K Suega
Bagian/SMF Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, FK Unud/RS Sanglah Denpasar
How to Cite
LOSEN ADNYANA, IW; SUEGA, K. PERUBAHAN GOLONGAN DARAH PADA PENDERITA LEUKEMIA MIELOBLASTIK AKUT. journal of internal medicine, [S.l.], nov. 2012. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.


Acute leukemia, changes of blood group, chemotherapy