• Agus Somia
  • Tuti Parwati


Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a systemic disease caused by one of the four types Dengue Viruses. DHF transmitted
by a mosquito called Aedes aegyptii. Clinical spectrums of dengue infection widely vary from asymptomatic, undifferentiated
fever, dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever, and dengue shock syndrome grade III and IV. Dengue infections remain on the
top list of infectious disease found in our country and several South-East Asia Nations. Pathognomonic clue differing dengue
hemorrhagic fever with dengue fever is the presence of plasma leakage due to the increasing of vascular permeability. Dengue
shock syndrome is a medical emergency needing direct and correct ß uid resuscitation to deal with hemodynamic disturbance and
plasma leakages without causing ß uid overload or further complication. We report an 18 years old male with chief complain of
fever for 6 days and newly lung edema after 12 hours of admission. Patient diagnosed with 3rd grade of dengue hemorrhagic fever
with lung edema. Patient then undergone ß uid resuscitation with crystalloid and colloid ß uid and given furosemide as diuretic
agent simultaneously. Finally getting better after Þ ve days of treatment in hospital


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Author Biographies

Agus Somia
Divisi Penyakit Tropik dan Infeksi Bagian/SMF Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK Unud/RSUP Sanglah
Tuti Parwati
Divisi Penyakit Tropik dan Infeksi Bagian/SMF Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK Unud/RSUP Sanglah
How to Cite
SOMIA, Agus; PARWATI, Tuti. PENALAKSANAAN SINDROMA RENJATAN DENGUE DENGAN EDEMA PARU. journal of internal medicine, [S.l.], nov. 2012. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 mar. 2025.


dengue hemorrhagic fever, lung edema