• Arini Junita
  • Haris Widita
  • Soewignjo Soemohardjo


Amoebiasis is an infection caused by Entamoeba hystolitica intestinal protozoa. Extraintestinal complication is liver
abscess (amoebeic liver abscess). The highest prevalence is in tropical and developing country, which have poor sanitation, bad
sosioeconomic condition, not well nutrition status, and in area which strain E. Hvstotistica is high. About 10% from all people in
the world had this infection, but only 10% became clinically. Amoeboic liver abscess is handled with chemotherapy using
nitromidazole derivate, aspiration or drainage with surgery. In case which needed operation, mortality is 12%. And if there is a
amoeboic peritonitis, the mortality approximately 40% - 45%, High mortality rate is caused by severe condition. Malnutrition,
icteric or shock. Patient died ussually caused by septic condition or hepatorenal syndrome. In this moment, we will report three
case of liver abscess with variable size, which made differential decisiton treatment. One case is liver abscess which contain 4.5 L
after done surgery drainage.


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Author Biographies

Arini Junita
*Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK Unud/RSUP Sanglah, Denpasar
Haris Widita
Bagian llmu Penyakit Dalam RSU Mataram
Soewignjo Soemohardjo
Bagian llmu Penyakit Dalam RSU Mataram
How to Cite
JUNITA, Arini; WIDITA, Haris; SOEMOHARDJO, Soewignjo. BEBERAPA KASUS ABSES HATI AMUBA. journal of internal medicine, [S.l.], nov. 2012. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025.


amoebic liver abscess, mortality, treatment

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