The Psychology of Risk Influence and Investor Sentiment on Investment Decision Making in the Indonesian Stock Market
This study aims to provide empirical evidence concerning the influence of risk psychology and investor sentiment on investment decision-making. The focus of this research is individual investors in Malang, who participate in the Indonesian stock market. Data collection was conducted from December 2022 to February 2023, utilizing a proportionate stratified random sampling method. The sample size meeting the specified criteria was 100 respondents, whose data was subsequently analyzed using variance-based structural equation modeling, commonly referred to as SEM-PLS. The findings suggest that risk psychology has a positive, albeit insignificant, effect on investment decision-making. However, risk psychology significantly influences investor sentiment, which in turn has a substantial and positive effect on investment decision-making. The study also provides empirical evidence of a robust indirect effect of risk psychology on investment decision-making.
Keywords: psychology of risk, investor sentiment, investment decision
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