The Determinants of Ethical Principle Implementation in Nursing

  • Ni Putu Emy Darmayanti University of Indonesia
  • Hanny Handiyani University of Indonesia
  • Kuntarti Kuntarti University of Indonesia


The determinant of nursing ethics practice is not identified yet. This problem affects the ethical behavior of nurses in performing

nursing care. According to that, it was influencing satisfaction and patient well-being. This study aims to identify the determinants

of the ethical principles application in nursing. Descriptive, correlation, cross-sectional design was applied, through simple

random sampling to 120 nurses. Data collecting used questionnaires, with univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyzes. Determinants

of nursing ethic application principle were job characteristics, nurses knowledge related to nursing ethics, supervision

by supervisor, relationship with colleagues, awards, the role of head nurse, and tenure (p = <0,001-0,049). The most dominant

variable was job characteristics (p <0,001). These factors need an attention by hospital manager to keep evaluating the other factors

in order to improve the application of ethical principles in nursing.


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Author Biographies

Ni Putu Emy Darmayanti, University of Indonesia

Master of Nursing Program, The Faculty of Nursing 1

Hanny Handiyani, University of Indonesia

Basic Nursing Department, The Faculty of Nursing 2

Kuntarti Kuntarti, University of Indonesia

Basic Nursing Department, The Faculty of Nursing 3


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How to Cite
DARMAYANTI, Ni Putu Emy; HANDIYANI, Hanny; KUNTARTI, Kuntarti. The Determinants of Ethical Principle Implementation in Nursing. Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 16-22, jan. 2018. ISSN 2622-0555. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 01 oct. 2024.