Pengaruh Jumlah dan Posisi Pemasangan Guide Vanes Pada Elbow Ducting Terhadap Besarnya Pressure Drop

  • A.A.N.B Mulawarman
  • I Gusti Bagus Wijaya Kusuma


Duct system is connecting between the refrigeration system and room to be conditioned. Room air
streamed into the cooling coil through the return duct intake, air filters. Furthermore, the air sucked by the
blower, which flowed into the evaporator. Through the register box, air conditioned which has flowed back
into the room. When flowing inside the duct, the air has obstacle. One inhibiting factor is the change in
direction of flow due to bends. That occurs at elbow is caused by friction (friction loss) and flow separation
(separation loss). The aims of this research is to examine the phenomenon of the flow with Re = 3824 x
104 on a rectangular elbow as well as knowing how to influence the guide vanes at the elbow ducting
channels. Based on data from research results, the number of guide vanes and position affects the
pressure drop. From the graph shows that the installation of guide vanes to reduce pressure drop when
fluid flows through the elbow. Installation guide vanes with the number five result in the smallest pressure
drop of 9.1%. Efficiency caused by the installation of guide vanes reached 27.6%. Can be concluded that
the installation of guide vanes on the elbow can be used as a reference in the design of ducting so as
reduce the energy consumption.


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Author Biography

A.A.N.B Mulawarman
Program Pasca Sarjana Teknik Mesin, Uiversitas Udayana
How to Cite
MULAWARMAN, A.A.N.B; WIJAYA KUSUMA, I Gusti Bagus. Pengaruh Jumlah dan Posisi Pemasangan Guide Vanes Pada Elbow Ducting Terhadap Besarnya Pressure Drop. Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, feb. 2013. ISSN 2541-5328. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025.


guide vanes, ducting, pressure drop