Lipid Profile of Cholelithiasis Patients at Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Central General Hospital, Palembang

  • Mutiara Tri Florettira Faculty of Medicine, Sriwijaya University, Palembang
  • Efman Efraim Ulrich Manawan Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Sriwijaya University, Palembang
  • Subandrate Subandrate Biochemistry Division, Faculty of Medicine, Sriwijaya University, Palembang


Aim: To determine the lipid profile of cholelithiasis patients at Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Central General Hospital, Palembang. Methods: This study was an observational descriptive study. The data were obtained from medical records in the Medical Record Centre of Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Hospital during the period of 1 January 2016 – 30 June 2019 by total sampling technique. Collecting data from medical record were patient’s age, gender, body mass index (BMI), occupation and lipid profile. Results: Most cholelithiasis patients were > 40 years old (69.6% of 253 patients), female (62.1% of 253 patients), normal BMI (42.6% of 195 patients), and a housewife (38% of 163 patients). The mean of total cholesterol level in 38 patients was 191.82 ± 49.63 mg/dL (104 – 350 mg/dL), the mean triglyceride level in 32 patients was117.16 ± 43.46 mg/dL (36 – 212 mg/dL), the mean of LDL level in 35 patients was 125.31 ± 36.64 mg/dL (62 – 244 mg/dL) and the mean HDL level in 36 patients was 43.33 ± 14.35 mg/dL (17 – 84 mg/dL). Conclusion: Almost all cholelithiasis patients at Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Central General Hospital, Palembang had normal lipid profile.


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How to Cite
FLORETTIRA, Mutiara Tri; MANAWAN, Efman Efraim Ulrich; SUBANDRATE, Subandrate. Lipid Profile of Cholelithiasis Patients at Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Central General Hospital, Palembang. JBN (Jurnal Bedah Nasional), [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 37-42, july 2022. ISSN 2548-981X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025. doi: