Rancangan Destinasi Wisata Pesisir, Tegal Besar - Goa Lawah yang Lebih dari Sekedar Bermain Ombak
This research locus are located at Tegal Besar-Goa Lawah Tourism Strategic District (KSP), especially along
the coastline and the surrounding area. This research aims to produce a design concept of coastal tourism
areas that are able to synergize with other tourism destination surround, along with the development of new
tourist destinations, which name is Kawasan Pusat kebudayaan Bali. This qualitative research is processed
through descriptive research methods and the design methods with the scope of discussion, such as: a study
of the potential and basic problems of Tegal Besar - Goa Lawah Coastal Area; formulation of the regional
context in accordance with the applicable legal aspects, the character and theme of the tourism products to be
developed, the modeling of the design of Tegal Besar-Goa Lawah coastal tourist destination design in an
integrated, including environmentally friendly, based on local wisdom, has a strong regional image prospect,
being competitive and able to attract investment to encourage the coastal communities economic growth of
Klungkung Regency, in accordance with the Vision and Mission of Regional Development, as well as a
guidelines for the formulation of the design which is based on a thought, "from a handful of sand to the
popularity of sustainable coastal tourism areas".
Keywords: Tegal Besar-Goa Lawah coastline areas, potential synergy, regional design