Pertumbuhan Setek Kopi Robusta (Coffea canephora P.) yang Dirangsang Dengan Urin Sapi, Air Kelapa dan Atonik dengan Berbagai Taraf Kosentrasi
Cuttings Growth of Robusta Coffee (Coffea canephora P.) Which is Influenced
with Urin Cow, Coconut Water and Atonic With Various Cosentration Taraf
Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora P.) in general can be reproduced
generatively by seeds and vegetative with cuttings, because robusta coffee pollinates
so that the development of robusta coffee is not recommended using generative
methods or with seeds because it will form new populations with varying yield
properties. Then the multiplication of Robusta coffee is done by cuttings. This study
aims to determine the effect of the type of Growth regulator between cow urine,
coconut water, and atonic and the effect of the concentration level of each type of
Growth regulator on the growth of Robusta coffee cuttings. This study uses a nested
design with 3 types of zat pengatur tumbuh and 4 levels of concentration as a treatment.
The results showed growth regulators Cow urine, coconut water, and atonik both can
increase the growth of Robusta coffee cuttings in nurseries depending on the
concentration given, the best growth of cuttings in the administration of cow urine with
a concentration of 20% with a total oven dry weight of 2.08 g which increases cuttings
growth by 150.60% compared with no administration of growth regulators, The
provision of coconut water with a concentration of 50% with a total oven dry weight
reached 154 g which increased cuttings growth by 115,21% compared to without
administration of growth regulators. and administration of Atonik with a concentration
of 0,25% with a total oven dry weight of 141 g which increased cuttings growth by
67.86% compared with no administration of growth regulators.