Pengamatan Gejala Penyakit CVPD pada 12 Spesies Tanaman Jeruk
Diseases Symptoms Observation at 12 Species of Citrus Plants
This study was conducted to observe symptoms that showed by citrus plants
which already tested by PCR carry CVPDr DNA Fragment. CVPDr is resistance gene
to prevent plant from CVPD diseases. Based on observations in the field showed that
five from twelve species showed the symptoms even already carry the gene. Five of
them are Citrus reticulata Selayer Buleleng, Citrus nobilis Buleleng, Citrus nobilis
Pecatu, Citrus nobilis Tabanan, dan Citrus reticulata Keprok Gianyar. Mutation
analysis and homology analysis should be done after this observation to know why
this gene is not functional to prevent CVPD diseases.