Hubungan Antara Bauran Pemasaran dan Kepuasan Konsumen Cau Chocolates Desa Marga, Kabupaten Tabanan
Relationship Between Marketing Mix and Customer Satisfaction of Cau Chocolates in Marga Village, Tabanan Regency
This study aims to determine the level of consumer satisfaction seen from the marketing
mix indicators and determine the effect of marketing mix indicators on customer
satisfaction of Cau Chocolates in Marga Village, Tabanan Regency. This study uses
descriptive qualitative and quantitative methods with a total sample of 80 Cau
Chocolates consumers determined using the purposive sampling method. The data
analysis technique uses Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results showed
that the level of customer satisfaction Cau Chocolate produced a score of 3.63 which
was included in the category of satisfaction. Meanwhile, the results of analysis using
SEM analysis produce, (1) product indicators positively and significantly influence
consumer satisfaction, (2) price indicators positively and significantly influence
consumer satisfaction, (3) place indicators positively and significantly influence
satisfaction consumers, and (4) promotion indicators have a positive and significant
effect on customer satisfaction.
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