Tipologi dan Potensi Sub Sektor Pertanian di Kabupaten Gianyar
Typology and Potential of Agricultural Sub-Sector in Gianyar Regency
The lowest contribution in the formation of GRDP in Gianyar Regency in 2017 by the
agricultural category was 12,84 percent (decreased from 13,06 percent in 2016. The
purpose of this study was to determine the position of each agricultural sub-sector, base
and non-base sub-sectors in the economy in Gianyar Regency Research location was
determined deliberately. The research method used the Klassen typology analysis
method and Location Quetient with timeseries PDRB data for the last five years (20132017).
The results of the Tiplogi comparison were food crop sub-sector, horticulture
plant sub-sector annual seasonal plantations and sub-sectors included in the
classification of the potency sub-sector or can still develop, while the other agricultural
sub-sectors are in the relatively underdeveloped sub-sector classification, the
horticulture plant sub-sector a year, annual plantation sub-sector, livestock sub-sector
and sub-sector agricultural services and hunting. The results of the location quotient are
sub-sectors which are the basic sub-sectors in the economy of Gianyar Regency, namely
the food crop sub-sector, annual horticulture sub-sector, and the annual plantation subsector.
While the horticultural plant sub sector a year, the annual plantation sub-sector,
the livestock sub-sector and the agriculture services and hunting sub-sector are non-base
sub-sectors in the economy of Gianyar Regency. The development of agricultural
commodities must have strategic characters, such as being oriented to market demand
and concentrated on superior products with high competitiveness.
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