Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Industri Gula Merah Tebu di Kabupaten Tulungagung Provinsi Jawa Timur
The Brown Cane Sugar Industry Business Development Strategy in Tulungagung
East Java Province
The brown cane sugar industry in Tulungagung is a home industry that is owned by
individuals and has many obstacles to run. This research aims to analyze the business
feasibility based on the income and BEP (Break Even Point) and to formulate a business
development strategy for the sugar cane brown sugar business. This study uses data
analysis methods in the form of qualitative descriptive, quantitative analysis for the level of
business feasibility, and SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats).
The brown cane sugar industry in the past year has been producing for 238 days/year which
requires 15 tons/day of raw sugar cane materials. The revenue obtained from pattern I was
IDR 4.027.873/day of production, pattern II was IDR 3.252.623/day of production, and
pattern III was IDR 3.351.373/day of production. The BEP calculation in pattern I was IDR
2.617.072/day of production or 292,5 kg, BEP pattern II was IDR 2.698.287/production
day or 307 kg, and BEP pattern III was IDR 2.779.504/production day or 321 kg. The
SWOT analysis was conducted using analysis of internal and external factors that produces
several strategies. Several alternative strategies produced are increasing the production
volumes, expanding the marketing reach, forming joint business groups, determining the
product distribution schedules, using the appropriate technology, utilizing information
technology to promote the products, and managing the business licensing.
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