Sistem Penggajian di CV. Pusaka Bali Persada
Payroll System at CV. Pusaka Bali Persada
Every company really needs the role of human resources in carrying out its business
activities and must be managed properly. Human resources function to improve the
effectiveness and efficiency of a company as a function in the company. One way to get
competing human resources is to pay attention to the payroll system in a company. The
payroll system itself aims to attract employees, retain employees, and motivate
This research was conducted at CV. Bali Persada Heritage which is determined
intentionally. Sampling using techniques with census methods. The number of samples
is 12 respondents consisting of top managers and middle managers. This study uses
qualitative descriptive analysis.
The results showed that the salaries of employees at CV. Pusaka Bali Persada consists
of basic salary and benefits. CV. Pusaka Bali Persada provides basic salary by referring
to the District / City Minimum Wage (UMK) that has been set by the government.
Paying is done with a payroll administration system. The results of this study also show
that the determinants of payroll system in CV. Pusaka Bali Persada includes payroll
techniques, payroll procedures, payroll structure, payroll openness, government support,
and payroll policies. The majority of top managers and middle managers agree with the
payroll system that has been applied by CV. Pusaka Bali Persada.
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